hello. hey. what's up. aloha. hola. guten tag. salve. konichiwa. namasté. selamat. nuchu. sawatdi.  magandang umaga. vie getz. ni hao. salaam. anyonghasaeyo. bonjour. olá. yati.

you have just entered into my attempt of a webpage. my name is wenyu.  my home is where i sleep.

to find a job utilizing my communication skills and....okay, no no, my purpose for this website is really simple.   it's like this...i was, like, awake one night and was, like, bored, so, like, i just started wandering, and, like, that wasn't working, so, like, i just turned on my computer, and, like, just made this page.

world hello day
when i was born, ford was in the white house.  that year, mr. ford had dreams of being officially elected, but in the words of anne robinson "it's the vote that counts....good-bye!"  i was also born on world hello day.  which is so so kewl.  it's when, like, you have to say "hello" to ten people for world peace.  so now, youse know why i so clay-zee happy all da time.

taipei, taiwan, home of uh-ah-jien (oyster pancake, for all ya missing out)

when i was five, i noticed that the world had changed.  all the kids started to grow white hair and none of them spoke chinese.  i also noticed that i could play on grass aaaaall the time and not on some roof top, kewl.  even my bestest buddy lucky changed, from a strawberry blonde collie to a mean ole black lab that liked to attack innocent young children.  grrrrr.  this was also when we became explorers.  we first settled in this place called new york, during an aweful aweful snowstorm.  kinda like those folks with black skirts and funny hats down in jamestown.  well, anyways, the snow was so high that when i fell in it, my mommy couldn't find me.  well, tat was way too cold for us taiwanese folks, so we moved to lish ola place in new yok.  well, after a cooking experiment by a young member of the family *ahem* we had to move again.  so we moved to another place in new york.  there, i learned a lot of callade y sientate.  that's also when i started hating frogs that jumped on you and made you cry and...and...then we drove very, very far away to this place where people called themselves hoosiers...people there were nice.  then, we set course back east to this place called pennsylvania, where, uh...there were good people in indiana.  so we went back to indiana.  then in fifth grade we went back to new york, where we lived happily by the beach. but then we went to this place with lots and lots of oil refineries where people asked you what exit you lived at.   then, i grew up and went off to college.  but, our captain liked it there on exit 9, so i started my own expedition and sailed south.  but i ran out of gas in this place where people liked to talk about their belts and and something about beltway.  well, das also when i started to think about my doggie, lucky,  so back to taiwan i went.  but now i'm here. well, kinda, cuz san diego still hasn't been checked off my itinenary.

mommy and daddy wu and little bro tang and all my cutie chickens.  but also, all the people who are there, when i think i need no one.

everything i ever wanted to know, i learned from the peanuts gang.

xiao3yu4...little yu.  ah-pee-bo...walking around with my bags of toys, i used to look like this bag lady on t.v. in cooper, cuz i had straight black hair and thick bangs, total old school.  cuando spanish class.  when you...wish upon a star, my introduction in college. wu-girl...d.c-ites.

corney jokes...quick!! ask me if i'm a duck!!  bad impressions...i no speaka ingalish.  random outburst.  sarcasm.  hair color...from red to white to blue...  wearing sweaters in the summer.  wearing t-shirts in the winter.  sleeping 16 hours straight.  pulling 3 consecutive all-nighters.  mass email.  writing stream of consiousness.

pet...lucky.  movie...e.t.  music...head to toe. flavored.  failure...precalc. club...tunnel.  drink...six.  coffee addiction...nineteen.  car...civic.

language...i love languages.  food...tofu, doe4 hua1, soon do boo.  drink...bubble milk tea.  nap...i love naps.  movie...wizard of oz, deep impact, my fair lady, life is beautiful, being john malkovich.  actor...john cusak.  music...michelle branch, train, amber, moby, dido, matchbox 20, ja rule, blink 182, elva, mayday, victor.  t.v...the practice.  game...manhunt, taboo.  saying...whateva, oh-beh-gon, uh...yeah,  anyways.

emotions and cravings
stressed...guns and roses and micky d's fries.  sad...chocolate cake.  happy...steak.  bored...cottage cheese and peaches.

it's all about the benjamins
i work in the nonprofit sector and i love it.  so i gladly trade in the benjamins for happiness.

hopes and dreams
revitalize the cia, serve for the peace corp, be seta-lingual, be an executive producer, finally learn to swim.

sun set
thanks for staying.  i appreciate the love.

happy:  friends
sad:  wtc bombing
hope:  american flag
united: national day of prayer and remembrance
dark:  comic
cute:  ummm...

an ivy in my eyes
educating youths about citizenship
best way to contact me

comments, suggestions, love, send to webmaster
updated 09.20.01