well, as many of you know, i like the word ramble.  why?  cuz i was rambler before i became a scarlet knight.  people started making a big deal about our mascot soon after i graduated.  something about what a rambler really was.  the idea they came up with was a hobo...oooooh my...

i was never pressured into taking drugs.  i think people were fearful of my unusual gittiness...running around yelling *sparkle*, laughing and skipping everywhere, smiling...all the time.  of course, i wear my smile part-time now, cuz the muscles in my mouth are worn out.  and i learned this wonderful thing called sarcasm.

broken chinese
in taiwan, i had a lot of trouble asking for help.  especially when i was lost.  i thought "the hand" was an american thing.  so i started to speak in broken chinese.  wow, talk about a change in response.  people were taking my hand and guiding me there.  people were...well, nicer.  when i researched the cause.  my taiwanese friend said it was because when i spoke in broken chinese, i sounded like a helpless little girl with sad, confused eyes.  really?!?!


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updated 09.01